A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Long ago, when I first realized that I’d be writing Modern Day Noah, I began searching for the perfect picture that could visually convey the feelings that I was experiencing as I made my decision to step out into the unknown, all alone. Although it was a super exciting thing to do, it was also very scary because I had absolutely no one to fall back on. There were so many risks that I had to take in order to follow God’s prodding for me to live out His plan for my life. I’d never financially lived my life the way He was asking me to live it. And there were real fears associated with that.


When I found the picture that I ended up using for the cover (above), I immediately knew it was the perfect one. Anything else paled in comparison to it. The little boat in the picture represents me. The boat is surrounded by a large, expansive, body of water, which is keeping the little boat far away from the safety of the shore. It looks like an overcast day that has the threat of storms rolling in at any moment. To me, the image accurately captured the totality of the risk I was taking. I would either end up sinking out there, completely alone, with no one there to help me. Or, I would safely make it to shore and live happily ever after. In the end, I felt like the picture accurately represented that I was taking the risk completely alone, with no safety net. I was stepping out into the unknown, by faith alone.


Fast forward to today, more than a decade after I originally chose the image that I ended up using for the book cover. I finally completed writing Modern Day Noah, and published the book a couple of months ago. Within a month of publishing the book, a close friend of mine was vacationing in Hawaii and sent me the picture above. It immediately brought me to tears because it looks just like the same image that I had chosen for Modern Day Noah when I first set out on this journey. Except, the picture she sent me looks like a brighter, more hopeful and happier version of the original picture. It doesn’t evoke those same scary feelings. Instead, her picture evokes warm, peaceful and happy feelings. To me, her picture represents looking at the very same image (decision), but knowing now that it all worked out. Knowing that it was well worth the risks I took. It’s the “happily ever after” version of the same picture I chose so many years ago. It is a nice reminder of how wonderful it is to follow God’s prompting, even when we don’t understand them. What has God been prodding you to do?

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